Tax Practice Policy

ALT Telecom Public Company Limited

Tax Practice Policy

       In order to perform the tax operations of the group of companies There are clear guidelines that are standardized and consistently adhered to. Therefore, it is deemed appropriate to formulate a policy on tax operations. to practice as follows

  1. Tax Planning and Guidelines
  • To manage taxation in order to create maximum added value for shareholders by paying tax in accordance with the law. and maintain the organization's good reputation and relationship with the relevant state tax authorities.
  • Taxes must be remitted within the period specified by law. thoughtful and appropriate There is no risk of late tax delivery. And must manage the payment or tax refund to maximize liquidity for the organization.
  • Consider the tax implications for investment projects, new transactions, or special transactions that are different from regular transactions that are routinely carried out. by the agency responsible for the company's tax
  1. การประสานงานด้านภาษีกับหน่วยงานราชการ
  • Must arrange for someone responsible for tax. And in coordinating tax matters with government agencies, it must be done by the person responsible for tax only.
  • Tax Advisor
  • Consider hiring tax consultants who have expertise that matches the problems that need consultation in order to maximize the benefits to the organization.
  • Person responsible for TAX
  • Corporate income tax Withholding income tax in addition to employee payroll expenses VAT paid to the Revenue Department to be the responsibility of the accounting department
  • Withholding income tax from employees' salaries to be the responsibility of the Human Resources Department
  • Stamp duties, customs duties, VAT on imported goods or any other tax to the agency responsible for that project or product be responsible

                                                                                                                   This will be effective from January 1, 2021 onwards.   

                                                                                                                                                (Mrs. Preeyaporn Tangpaosak)


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Actual tax rate

         อัตราภาษีที่จ่ายจริงปี 2563 = 20.51%

          The Board of Directors Meeting No. 7/2015 resolved to approve the policy on conducting business with social and environmental responsibility under the following 8 principles.