Supervision of the use of inside information

The Company has policies and procedures to supervise directors and executives in using internal information of the Company that has not yet been disclosed to the public for personal gain as follows:

  1. Provide knowledge to directors and executives Regarding the duty to report the securities holdings of oneself, their spouses and minor children to the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission under Section 59 and penalty provisions under Section 275 of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. Minor children to the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission under Section 246 and penalty provisions under Section 298 of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (including any amendments).
  2. The directors and executives of the company including spouses and minor children Prepare and disclose reports on securities holdings and reports on changes in securities holdings of the Company to the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission under Section 59 and penalty provisions under Section 275 of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. amendments) and deliver a copy of this report to the Company. on the same day as the date of submitting the report to the Securities and Exchange Commission
  3. Directors, executives, employees and employees of the Company and its subsidiaries Who is aware of material inside information that affects the price of securities, must exercise caution in trading the Company's securities during the 30-day period before the financial statements or such inside information are disclosed to the public and during the 24-day period. hours after internal company information has been disclosed to the public Persons involved in inside information must not disclose such information to others until such information has been disclosed to the SET. Punishment measures if there is a violation of the aforementioned regulations. The company is considered a disciplinary offense according to the work regulations of the company. The punishment will be considered as appropriate to the case, including verbal warning. written warning, probation, as well as termination of employment, termination of employment on the grounds of dismissal, dismissal or dismissal, as the case may be, etc.
  4. Directors, executives, employees and employees of the Company are prohibited from Use the inside information of the company that have or may affect the change in the price of the Company's securities which has not yet been disclosed to the public which he had foreseen in such a position or position Used to buy or sell or offer to buy or offer. or persuade other people to buy or sell or offer to buy or offer to sell shares or other securities (if any) of the Company, either directly or indirectly in the manner likely to cause damage to the Company either directly or indirectly and regardless of whether such action is done for the benefit of oneself or others or disclose such facts for others to do so whether or not he receives benefits in return
Sustainability Policy

The company will promote free trade competition. Avoid actions that may cause conflicts of interest and violations of intellectual property. Including promoting social responsibility in every step of the business chain. (Business Chain)

The company fights against corruption both inside and outside the organization for transparency and accountability. as well as cooperate with various organizations for anti-corruption in all forms And encourage employees to be aware of anti-corruption.

The Company will treat all stakeholders whether employees, communities and surrounding society with respect for human values and without violating basic rights. It will encourage and give opportunities for employees, communities and society to participate in expressing their opinions. to reflect on problems and find solutions together

The company will treat employees equally and fairly by providing welfare benefits. Workplace safety and hygiene Including promoting learning and developing personnel to raise the level of professional work of employees. The company will support the development of work systems and encourage employees to participate in making contributions to society both directly and indirectly.

The company will develop services that do not cause harm to consumers and the impact on the environment. by maintaining quality that meets or exceeds consumer expectations under fair conditions And will provide information about products and services that are accurate, sufficient, not exaggerated. as well as maintaining customer confidentiality, not using it for the benefit of oneself or those involved wrongfully

The company will conduct a risk analysis process and environmental and safety impacts in all business processes. Including using resources efficiently and saving energy according to international principles

The company promotes the use of business processes for the benefit of improving the quality of life. Help build the economy and strengthen the neighboring communities and Thai society.

The Company will support the creation and promotion of stakeholder participation. (Co-Creation) to develop innovation that creates a balance between value and value to the community, society and environment along with sustainable business growth.