
         Corruption means the misuse of acquired power or misuse of existing assets. for personal gain or causing damage to the interests of others Corruption can occur in many ways, for example: Bribing officials by soliciting, offering, giving or accepting bribes both money and things Conflicts of interest, fraud, money laundering, embezzlement, concealment of facts obstruction of justice Trade under influence. It also covers transactions between individuals or businesses between the private sector itself.

Practice guidelines

  • Business risk management by identifying risks and causes of fraud and implement intensive preventive measures, as well as maintain and consistently comply with the Anti-Corruption Policy.
  • Build confidence By demonstrating leadership of the business as an example of anti-corruption. It is also committed to supporting and supervising compliance with the anti-corruption policy.
  • Promote training as well as reward incentives for employees and representatives of the business in eliminating bribery with the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy
  • Strengthen employees, agents, contractors and suppliers to be aware of potential corruption and anti-corruption.
  • Guarantee that Compensation given to employees and representatives is adequate. and it is only for righteous service.
  • Establish and maintain an effective anti-corruption system. In addition to the risk management method of the entity.
  • Employees, partners, agents and suppliers are encouraged to report violations of the Company's policies and unfair or unethical practices.
  • Present violations of the criminal law to the appropriate authority.
  • Do not support corruption Or against corruption in both the government sector or those involved with the company.


          The company is committed to conducting business under the principles of good corporate governance. by social and environmental responsibility Including all stakeholders and has set a policy to promote the Company's conduct (Encouraging Code of Conduct ALT) as follows

  • Stipulating anti-corruption policy in "Code of Conduct" and scheduled to participate in the declaration of intent with the Private Sector Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption (CAC) within the year 2015.
  • Announced the use of the "Code of Conduct" which emphasizes on zero fraud as a guideline for executives and employees leading to success and sustainable happiness. which are defined under the heading “Bribery or Discounts,” “Giving and Accepting Gifts and Gratuities,” and “Prevention of Corruption and Bribery,” which can be summarized as follows.
  • Prepare a letter declaring the company's anti-corruption guidelines to notify customers and business partners.
  • Determine training and development plans for employees on morality and ethics. To point out the culture that members of public companies must be aware of and abide by. and to promote Develop the mind to be fair. It can also create a good conscience that results in honesty.
  • Prepare the risk management plan of the business and manage the internal control system. both physically and mentally to prevent misconduct
  • Establish accurate and transparent financial status reporting mechanisms.
  • Provide communication channels for whistleblowing. There are measures to protect informants. There is also a process to investigate every clue that has been reported fairly.

Resignation statistics

Lost Time Accident Statistics