Supplier Code of Conduct

Supplier Code of Conduct

ALT Telecom Public Company Limited and companies in the group 

Message from the President

ALT Telecom Public Company Limited and companies in the group (“Group”) is committed to conducting business in accordance with sustainable development guidelines under the principles of corporate governance. with dedication to developing products and services as well as the production process to be environmentally friendly and support the community to be strengthened continuously 

The Group is committed to moving forward in business alongside business partners in accordance with sustainable development guidelines. by providing advice and assistance in various areas, such as providing knowledge, evaluating performance Suggestions for improvement Including making "Supplier Code of Conduct" was established as a guideline for suppliers to jointly act in parallel with corporate governance that takes into account society and the environment in a concrete manner. As well as being used as a standard for conducting business together.

The Group sincerely hopes that This "Supplier Code of Conduct" is the first step of cooperation that will lead to business development to grow together. ready to create a sustainable society and environment

ALT Telecom Public Company Limited and companies in the group (“Group”) conducts its business with integrity in accordance with the principles of corporate governance. coupled with a commitment to care Promote and support society and the environment in accordance with sustainable development guidelines. This is an important factor that leads to the balance of society, environment and business to grow together sustainably. The group has the intention to promote this concept to business partners who are key players in the business operations of the group of companies to jointly implement such principles and concepts into practice Along with corporate governance for society and the environment. It also extends the results to a wider society, so that there is a common understanding. The Group has prepared “Partner Code of Conduct” for the business partners of the Group to use as a guideline in the future The Group expects that, in addition to complying with requirements, regulations, relevant laws and international best practices, The business partners will apply the principles in the Group's supplier code of conduct as a guideline for their business operations. The business group will assist, promote and support business partners to conduct their business ethically with respect for rights and liberties. Take care of labor and human rights Occupational health care safety and environment as well as tracking the lead “Partner Code of Conduct” to achieve its objectives. “Partner Code of Conduct” The Group reserves the right to take any action against the supplier based on the impact and damage caused for the principles put forward. “Partner Code of Conduct” in addition to stipulating regulations related laws and the company's code of conduct It also references internationally recognized charters and standards, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the International Labor Organization. (International Labor Organization: ILO), UN Global Compact, Social Accountability International: SAI, etc.


1) Vision

“Leading Infrastructure for digital and renewable energy businesses”

2) Mission

To provide digital and renewable energy infrastructure for both government agency and enterprise in order to increase service quality by focusing on cost efficiency and making better utilization of resources, also partnering with the well-recognized organization in technology and business networks.

3) ค่านิยมขององค์กร  (Value)


Allying                Be a good ally with partners Colleagues, customers, both public and private sectors

Lifelong Learning    Learn continuously and consistently

Transforming     Change the way of thinking and working process. for better performance

4) business integrity

Conduct business on the basis of integrity name of honesty, ethics, transparency Including complying with the law Strictly adhere to the rules and regulations related to business operations, not doing anything that is dishonest, corrupt, bribery by offering or promising to give money, property, things or any other benefits. Including gaining an advantage over others to incentivize oneself or any other person to receive other benefits that shouldn't have been

5) Fairness

Conduct business with responsibility for all stakeholders be treated fairly

6) Disclosure

Disclose their information accurately and completely as required by law.

7) Confidentiality

Do not publish or take confidential information of customers. and related parties of business partners to use without their consent

8) intellectual property rights

Respect the intellectual property rights of others. And be careful not to infringe on such rights.

9) Labor and human rights


Consider human dignity equality and fairness without discriminating against employees on the basis of physical, mental, race, nationality, religion, sex, age, education or any other differences

Labor protection

ㆍDo not employ child labor under the legal age. In the case where the partner hires child labor who is older than the legal threshold. Must provide workers with the protection required by law in all respects, including the development and promotion of quality of life and work properly.

ㆍ Female workers shall not be allowed to work in a manner that may be harmful to their health and safety. In the case of an employee who is a pregnant woman, she must provide protection and benefits as required by law.

ㆍ Employment of foreign workers Must perform in accordance with the law, accurately and completely.

Non-forced labor

ไม่ใช้หรือได้รับประโยชน์จากการบังคับใช้แรงงานในลักษณะที่เป็นแรงงานทาส ซึ่งรวมถึงการลงโทษทางกาย การขู่เข็ญ  การกักขัง  การคุกคามข่มขู่  การล่วงละเมิด การค้ามนุษย์ หรือการใช้ความรุนแรงไม่ว่าจะอยู่ในรูปแบบใดๆ

Wages and benefits

Proceed to pay wages Overtime pay holiday work allowance and benefits that employees should receive properly and fairly And not lower than the rate specified by law Pay wages, overtime pay or any other benefits Employees must receive them on time.

Duration of work

Employees are not allowed to work for longer periods of time than what is stipulated by law. Including providing employees with holidays. Not less leave as required by law

10) Occupational Health & Safety

Safety and working environment

Organize actions for the safety of employees and those involved. by providing a working environment to be safe and hygienic Reduce and control the risk of accidents. and health impacts that may arise from operations, transportation, services, as well as guidelines for controlling emergency situations to reduce losses.

Personal protective equipment

Provide workers with adequate risk-compliant personal protective equipment that is readily available. and control the usage

Environmental impact consideration

1. Environmental management management

Suppliers must have an environmental management system. that complies with the law regulations This can lead to continuous improvement in efficiency.

2. Waste, chemicals and hazardous materials

Suppliers must manage the treatment, release or disposal of waste. hazardous chemicals arising from conducting business in accordance with the law applicable regulations with inspection and have good control measures without affecting the environment

3. Impact on the community

Suppliers must systematically assess, document and control the environmental impacts that may occur from their operations. to surrounding communities


11) Channels for whistle blowing and complaints

In the event that business partners or related persons have any doubts or suspected violations are found Or do not comply with the law, rules, regulations, code of conduct or policies, you can inquire. or report clues or complain Ready to send details of various evidences through the following channels

Complaint channel 

• ผ่านทางเว็บไซต์ ข้อร้องเรียนและแจ้งเบาะแส  (Whistleblowing System)  

• Verbally or in writing/ E-mail address/letter (with or without the name of the notifier) 


Channel 1  ทางไปรษณีย์ โดยส่งมาได้ที่ บริษัท เอแอลที เทเลคอม จำกัด (มหาชน) เลขที่ 52/1 หมู่ 5  ถนนบางกรวย-ไทรน้อย  ตำบลบางสีทอง  อำเภอบางกรวย  นนทบุรี 11130 

by addressing the envelope

Chairman of the Audit Committee or 

Audit Committee or 

Secretary of the Audit Committee 


Channel 2  via electronic mail (E-mail) at 

Audit Committee  E-mail address : 

Board of Directors E-mail address :

This will be effective from February 23, 2022 onwards.


(Mrs. Preeyaporn Tangpaosak)


ALT Telecom Public Company Limited


Supplier Code of Conduct